
Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children.Eighteen! In order  36  to keep food on the table, the father, a goldsmith by  37  , worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade.Despite their seemingly   38   condition, two of the eldest children had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art,  39   they knew well that their father would never be able to 40   either of them to study at the Academy. After many long discussions at night in their  41  bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact.They wo下列关于亚洲的说法,错误的是( )A. 世界上面积最大的大洲 B. 地势中部低,四周高C. 河流多呈放射状流向周边海洋 D. 气候复杂多样
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