
3.阅读下面文字,按要求答题。(2分) 极目东眺,昔日中国远征军勇士们浴血奋战的旧战场----高黎贡山,巍峨云天,雾霭缠绕,云蒸霞______(wèi),更古不变地护持着这片热土,护持着屹立于腾冲、屹立于滇西、屹立于中华大地、屹立于世界民族之林的历史丰碑──国殇墓园。 (1)根据括号内的拼音写正确的汉字。(1分) (2)文中有一个错别字,请指出并改正。(1分)选做题:读短文填单词。     Do you like friends who can teach you a lot every day? Books are 1.s_______ friends because they bring knowledge to us and keep us company through our life. They are so valuable that 2._______ (图书馆) are built to 3._______ (存放) them. Almost all great men are lovers of books. Franklin said that it was books that4.1_______ him to success and that he could have achieved nothing 5.w_______ books. Books are the holders of mankind's 6._______ (经验) and imagination. They enable us to see through the past and predict the 7._______. So when you open a book, you would get into a world 8._______ you have never beer/before. Agood book is a good teacher that 9.h_______ you to get over difficulties. No matter what you are, 10._______or old, poor or rich, books are your devoted friends. Love books and love life.
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