
Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passion? If not, why? I am guessing most people will 36_____ the question with I have a mortgage, a spouse and three kids to 37_____.” In the real world people have 38______. They have to make sacrifices. You aren't supposed to be 39_______ with your job but you do it because you have to. With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be happy with your job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week 40______ our jobs. This is a lot of time to be wasting on something we字词积累。   他能够自己把葫芦口切开,把里边的 籽 (  )掏出来,技巧很好, 塞 (  )子也是自己装上的。先用lǔ(  )一泡,把气味泡干净了,然后就把父亲喝剩的淡酒装在里面,不停地把表面擦亮。   (1)在括号内给加点字注音。   (2)根据注音在括号内写上相应的汉字。   (3)解释词语。   茶lǔ(  ):__________________________
英语 试题推荐