
Body language is an action which has communicative meaning used in the verbal(言语的) or non-verbal communication. It can be used to express one’s intention(意图) and feelings. However, the meaning of body language is different from culture to culture. A smile can show friendliness in one culture, embarrassment(尴尬)in another, and impatience in a third. Even silence means different things in different places. Though it feels like nothing in communication, silence can be meaningful in different cultures. In Western cultures, especially North America and the UK, silence is unco20.下列说法中正确的是 (  )A.α粒子散射实验是卢瑟福建立原子核式结构模型的重要依据B.光电效应和康普顿效应揭示了光的粒子性,前者表明光子具有能量,后者表明光子除了具有能量外还具有动量C.放射性元素的衰变快慢不受外界温度、压强的影响,但如果以单质形式存在,其衰变要比以化合物形式存在快D.氢原子吸收一个光子跃迁到激发态后,再向低能级跃迁时放出光子的频率一定等于入射光子的频率E.按照玻尔理论,氢原子核外电子从半径较小的轨道跃迁到半径较大的轨道时,电子的动能减小,但原子的能量增大.
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