
Many of us are interested in time travel and shuttling back and forth (来回地) to the past or the future. Who wouldn’t be enthralled by returning to the past or seeing the future? But time travel seems to be possible only in our imagination or in science fiction (科幻小说). Science fiction is a world where impossible things can become possible and that’s why most of us like it. But science fiction is not entirely fiction since it is based on science theories (理论). Time travel, for instance, is a theme used by sci-fi writers. Readers may sometimes think writers have firs7.新闻点评就是用简约的文字对新闻报道的内容进行评论。请分别从两个不同的角度点评下面这则新闻。要求观点鲜明,透过现象谈本质,每个角度不超过40字。       著名学者易中天先生曾在某市做了一场题为“中国智慧漫谈”的精彩讲座。互动环节中,有听众提问道:“今天听您的讲座,主办方安排市领导坐在第一排,公务员坐在正当中,我们这些普通听众一票难求,还只能坐在旁边、后面,对此您有何评价?”这个极为尖锐的问题一经抛出,主持人随即陷入不知所措的尴尬之境;易中天先生则以其惯有的幽默风格回答道:“主办方这样安排,可能是认为领导干部更需要参加学习,接受教育吧!此语一出,全场笑声一片,市委书记带头为之鼓掌。
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