
We encounter pressure every single day in our life and work, and there are two main causes for it. The first is that wherever we work or live we will encounter challenges, difficulties and obstacles. All of these will create pressure for us. This kind of pressure is regarded as natural. As long as the hurdles(障碍) are overcome, the pressure will disappear naturally. But, the second cause of pressure is not so easily eliminated. The second cause of pressure is our own imaginings. This pressure from our own thoughts is much more difficult to get rid of because it has no real cause. Wh读图,有关非洲肯尼亚的叙述,正确的是(  )A. 气候寒冷,发展农业的热量条件不足   B. 深居内陆,海运不发达C. 人口增长率低,劳动力资源不足   D. 热带动植物资源丰富
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