
New Year’s Day was coming. My mother and I decided to visit my   41  n Wales. When traveling through a highway, we felt   42  and were eager to eat. We noticed a road sign   43  to a town called Bend. Thinking that we might buy something to eat there, we turned off the highway and   44  to the local hotel. Lunch was  45   We were advised to go to a small   46  run by volunteers, where we might still be served with small meals.  47  , the shop had exactly what we were looking for. We  48  some dishes and enjoyed them.   49  , we left for the final leg of our 炎热的夏天,人们都喜欢到喷泉附近休闲、乘凉.这是因为喷泉周围有大量小水滴,水滴在________时,会从空气中________热,从而使空气的________降低.
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