
What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear. We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists (心理学家) think t一小朋友在玩耍时,不小心把手臂伸进瓷坛,瓷坛外形如图所示.谁知坛口太小,伸进去却拔不出来,急得大哭.读初中的张明看见此情形,想了个办法顺利地解决了问题.他的办法是( )A.把瓷坛打破B.顺着手臂倒水C.顺着手臂倒肥皂水D.把小孩突然抱起,利用惯性让瓷坛脱落
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