
Dick was driving a large American car. As soon as the race started, he pulled out in front. As the race went on, he kept the first place. And he was far ahead of Wilson, the man in the second place.When the race was almost over, some people stood up and left. “Why did stay?” they thought. They were sure they knew who would win.But things did not go as they thought. A strange noise came from Dick’s car. It slowed down. Something was wrong. Dick knew his car would not go far. His only hope was that he would make it to the finish. But on his last lap(赛圈), the car stopped. Wilson’s car读“中国政区略图”,回答下列问题.(1)我国位置最南的省级行政区是 ,我国面积最大的省级行政区是 .(2)目前国家实施的南水北调工程,是将 (选择图中①②③填空)流域富余的水资源调入缺水的 和 地区.(3)图中人口地理界线以西地区人口 (稠密或稀疏).
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