
Are you competitive enough to make it in America? There is an undeniable excitement about coming to study in the US, but it's not all excitement. Yes, it is America; it is the land of freedom; it's the place where different cultures clash and live together in peace. However, you guys might agree with me: it's not easy to leave home and the security of family, friends and people who love and care about us. And doing it raises some questions:  Is it worth it? Are you equal to the challenge? You might be sitting in front of your computer watching a documentary about America, which shows y下列各句中没有语病的一项是A.九部门强调,严禁任何单位和个人在食品生产经营中使用食品添加剂以外的任何化学物质,严禁在农产品种植、加工、收购、运输中使用违禁药物或其他可能危害人体健康的物质。B.可以这样说,一个写不好对话的小说家是写不出杰出的长篇的,而对话的能力恰恰可以作为衡量一个小说家是否优异的关键因素所在。C.如何让富人不再只想着投资移民,让穷人尽快摆脱贫困,让全国的百姓真正走向“共同富裕”,这显然需要国家从宏观政策方面做出调整。D.现在,当我通读全书,十几年来陆续印刻在脑海中的记忆被清晰地唤醒,并连成一片,重温了自己从一个音乐教育专业的研究生成长为一个研究者的学术经历,回顾了我置身其间的我国学校音乐教育所走过的不平凡的发展道路。
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