
补全对话 A:I also like watching sea fish. B:Where should we meet? C:That’s wonderful! D:Where are you going this weekend? E:When do you plan to leave? F:Do you want to join us? G:  I’ll see you then. A:Hi, Mary.     1    B :Hi, Jack. I’m going ti the beach with some friends.  2   A:Yeah, that sounds fun . Which beach are you going to? B :We are thinking about driving to the beach in Qingdao.I like driving, and     3    A :That sounds great!     4       B:Well.,we are setting off at about six o’clock on Friday. A:Great中国共.产.党成立90年来,经过不懈探索与奋斗,取得了辉煌成就。 图12 1、在经济和社会文化两方面中任选其一,简述发展红色旅游的作用。
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