
根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。 51. As      ▲   (年级)9 students, we should work harder for a bright future. 52. We can see the light in his room        ▲   (通过)the window. 53. I don't think students should be      ▲   (允许)to bring mobile phones to school. 54. I studied very hard last term, so I made great    ▲   (进步)in the exam. 55. I hope we can make a    ▲   (决定) today. 56. I received a present from my friend, but I didn’t a    ▲   it. 57. Peter’s fa下列有关环境问题的说法中正确的是                                         (      )A.空气质量报告的各项指标中,有二氧化硫、二氧化氮和二氧化碳的指数B.pH在5.6~7.0之间的降水可通常称为酸雨C.含氮、磷合成洗涤剂可以被细菌分解,故不会导致水体污染D.汽车尾气中氮氧化物、一氧化碳、碳氢化合物和颗粒物等,严重污染大气
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