
如图所示,足够长的平行光滑导轨固定在水平面上,电阻忽略不计,其右端连接有两个定值电阻R1、R2,电键S处于断开状态,整个装置处于竖直方向的匀强磁场中。一电阻为R3的导体棒在恒定的水平外力F的作用下在导轨上匀速向左运动,运动中导体棒始终与导轨垂直。现将电键S闭合,下列说法正确的是(    )       A.刚闭合S的瞬间,导体棒中的电流增大       B.刚闭合S的瞬问,导体棒两端电压增大       C.闭含S后,导体棒做减速运动1.What is the possible relationship between he woman and the man? A.Wife and husband. B.Doctor and patient. C.Boss and secretary. 2.What does the woman think about the man? A.He is not good to the children. B.He is not telling the truth. C.He sleeps too much.  
物理 试题推荐