
On a cold morning, I heard someone trying to get his car out of the snow after a snowstorm. After a few minutes, I realized he needed a  31  , so I got dressed, went  32  , and pushed the car. It only took about a minute and,  33  very cold, I walked back to my apartment,  34  seeing the driver. Months  35  , I was at the corner store and the guy in front of me  36  on paying for the beer I was  37  ! I refused repeatedly. When I  38  the cashier, she told me my beer was already  39  and she couldn’t take my money. While I was walking back home from the store, the 为了配合楚州大道修建工程,我校决定将长度为300m的东围墙向西移动约2m,并对相应的附属设施(如护校河的河沿等)进行修缮,政府根据施工情况给予等值的拆迁赔偿.经招标协定,该工程可由甲、乙两拆建公司承建,甲、乙两公司施工方案及报价分别为:(1)甲公司拆除并重建围墙及附属设施,其施工单价y1(万元/m)与施工围墙长度x(m)之间的函数关系为y1=27.8-0.09x;(2)乙公司拆除围墙(不拆除附属设施),并在原附属设施上重建围墙,其施工单价y2(万元/m)与施工围墙长度x(m)之间的函数关系为y2=15.8-0.05x.(注:工程款=施工单价×施工围墙长度)(1)如果不考虑其它因素,单独由甲公司施工,那么完成此项工程需工程款多少万元?(2)考虑到设备和技术等因素,甲公司必须邀请乙公司联合施工,共同完成该工程.因设备共享,两公司联合施工时学校可节省工程款100万元(从甲公司的工程款中扣除),另外甲公司还需向乙公司支付100万元的技术转让金(与校方无关).①如果设甲公司施工am(0<a<300),那么乙公司施工______m,其施工单价y2=______万元/m,试求校方共支付工程款P(万元)与a(m)之间的函数关系式;②如果政府支付的拆迁赔偿为346.5万元(此款均用作校方支付的工程款),那么甲公司应将多长的围墙安排给乙公司施工?乙公司共可获利多少万元(这里不考虑成本)?
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