
如图是某监测系统每隔2.5 s拍摄的关于卫星发射起始加速阶段火箭的一组照片,已知火箭的长度为40 m.现在用刻度尺测量照片上的位置关系,结果如图所示,请你估算火箭的加速度a.   答案:[解析] 由火箭长度为40 m可知,刻度尺的1 cm相当于实际长度20 m.量出前后两段位移分别为4.00 cm和6.50 cm,对应的实际位移分别为80 m和130 m,由Δx=aT2可得 130 m-80m=a×(2.5 s)2,即a=8 m/s2 [答案] a=8 m/s2阅读短文,回答问题。Dear Liu Yun,       I'm happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Australia. I like swimming, diving, and riding my bike. My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. I like sports, but she likes art. We look the same, but we don't like the same things. Tell me something about you: What's your hobby?                                      Your new pen pal,                                         Alice 1. What is Alice's hobby? ___________________________________________________________2. What is her twin sister's hobby? ___________________________________________________________3. Does Alice live in China? ___________________________________________________________4. Does Alice's sister like art? ___________________________________________________________5. Where does Alice's sister live? ___________________________________________________________
物理 试题推荐