
阅读下列材料和图表,根据《经济生活》有关知识回答问题。 材料一: 2003-2007年国内生产总值及其增长速度  注:07年年末广义货币(即社会流通货币总量加上活期存款以及定期存款与储蓄存款)余额超过40万亿元,比上年末增长16.7%。 材料二:      2003-2007年全国居民消费价格总指数(CPI) 注:国际公认CPI警戒线为3%。 分析上述材料,运用《经济生活》的有关知识回答下列问题: (1)材料一反映了什么经济现象? (2)材料二反映了什么经济现象? (单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)小题1: A great celebration was held on his _________(50岁)birthday.                小题2:He dived into the water, leaving only his face _________(暴露)             小题3: Some people work together under _________(压力)                     小题4:He said he was late because of a traffic jam. But it didn’t sound like a      _    (合理)enough excuse.小题5: A _______(图书管理员)is a person who helps you when you want to borrow books from a library. 小题6: They needed five more ____ (工程师) to complete the design.            小题7:They were _______(秘密地)married last week.                           小题8: She was well known as an ______(出色) dancer                          小题9:His job is to do ________(科学)research.                                小题10:He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does everything ________(有规律)
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