
 Mary is good     drawing. A. for          B. at        C. to       D. with     答案:B根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项.A: Hey, Bill.You look worried.1.B: I can't work out this math problem. It is too difficult.A:2.He is good at math.B: But I argued with him this morning. He doesn't talk to me now.A: How come?B: I wanted to copy his homework but he refused. As a result, both of us got very angry.A:Well, it's not right to copy others' homework. You should do it by yourself.B: Maybe you are right.3.A: I think you should say sorry to your brother.B: But he isn't at home now.A:4.B: He is on the school playground. He is playing football with his friends.A: Oh, you can wait until he comes backB: All right.5.A:You're welcome.A.Why not ask your brother to help you?B. Thanks a lot.C. What's the matter with you?D. How about asking Lisa for help?E. Where is he?F. Wish you a good time.G.What should I do now?A.Why not ask your brother to help you?B. Thanks a lot.C. What's the matter with you?D. How about asking Lisa for help?E. Where is he?F. Wish you a good time.G.What should I do now?
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