
    When I was in my twenties, I travelled alone through the UK. In order to    41    locations that the public transportation couldn't get to, I bought a(n)   42    car, drove around for three months and sold it before I returned to Australia. The car cost most of my money, so I lived mainly on    43    during that trip, it being cheap and filling. In Ireland, my    44    was stolen, and it was impossible to get another. So for the rest of the trip I    45    in my car for being too poor to afford a bed and breakfasts. One morning, I    46    in my12.若黄赤交角变为0°,则可能出现的地理现象有(  )A.太阳终年直射赤道,各地昼夜平分B.中纬度地区不会有四季更替现象C.全球极昼、极夜现象的地区增多D.气压带、风带季节移动幅度增大
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