
质量为m的小物块,用轻弹簧固定在光滑的斜面体上,斜面的倾角为α,如图所示。使小物块和斜面体一起由静止开始向右做加速运动,加速度从零逐渐缓慢增大,已知轻弹簧的劲度系数为k,重力加速度用g表示。求:    (1)加速度为零时,弹簧的伸长量?    (2)小物块对斜面体的压力为零时,斜面体向右的加速度?  阅读短文,判断正误,用“正确”或“错误”表示。Little Jack is playing with his friend near a bank. A man stops beside them. The dooropens and a man gets out. He is wearing a mask. There's a gun in his hand. LittleJack's friend is frightened. But Jack is not. He runs to a policeman. "Please comequickly," Jack says. "A robber(强盗) is in that bank." The policeman looks at the bank andlaughs. "Oh, good boy!" the policeman says. "But it's Ok. That man is not a robber.He's an actor.(演员)"(1)Jack is in the bank with his friend.(2)Jack sees a man with a gun.(3)Jack is frightened.(4)Jack and his friend telephone the police.(5)The man with a gun isn't a robber.
物理 试题推荐