
Officials say the islands of Tokelau in the South Pacific Ocean have become the world's first territory totally powered by the sun.The move is expected to save money and ease the environmental burden of depending on imported fossil fuels. Tokelau's three main atolls(环状珊瑚岛),or islands,now have enough solar capacity to meet all of their electricity needs.Until now.Tokelau has been 100%dependent on diesel (柴油) for producing electricity.That has burdened the country with heavy economic and environmental costs. The three atolls of Tokelau are about halfway be粗细相同的两根镍铬合金线,长度关系是L1>L2,串联接入电路后,其电流I1、I2和两端电压U1、U2的关系是(  )A.I1>I2,U1<U2B.I1<I2,U1>U2C.I1=I2,U1>U2D.I1=I2,U1<U2
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