
Christmas Traditions The Origin of Christmas Since about 400 AD,Christmas Day has been celebrated on 25th December.This date was the old mid­winter festival in pre­Christian times,around the time of the longest night and the shortest day.Christmas in the 21st century has many traditions:Christmas trees,cards and presents. Presents and shopping Shops can make about 60 per cent of their year's income in the three months before Christmas.So most shops get ready for it in October.The shopping centres are beautifully decorated and stay open late at night.The first time this happened 1847年,曾到过中国的英人杜麦斯在《中国札记》一书中,以近乎狂热的态度呼吁建立起一种向全体英国臣民开放的竞争性的制度,从而提高英国行政官员的水平,促进大英帝国的团结。杜麦斯的呼吁是有感于中国( )A.察举制的实行 B.内阁学士选拔C.科举制的推行 D.军机处的设置
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