
Do you want to improve your quality of life? Here is some advice.  1. Make it a point of doing something brave every day.   36   This might mean talking to someone that you generally wouldn’t talk to or starting a project that you feel afraid of. There is no need to plan it in advance. 2. Learn something new. Pick a topic, especially something you know nothing about and learn something from it.   37   It helps to keep it if you have time to make a note of what you have learned. 3. Debate something. If you think you know about something, nothing will prove it like arguin0.5 mol Na、Mg、Al分别与100 mL 0.5 mol·L-1的盐酸充分反应,下列关于所得气体在同温同压下的体积关系中,正确的是(    ) A.相同                                      B.铝最多,钠最少 C.铝最多,镁和钠相同                        D.钠最多,镁和铝相同
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