
      After finishing high school, Judy looked for a job at a store. Judy wanted to work as an assistant. The manager of the store received Judy. We don't have any openings for assistants now. But we have one job. Would you like to be a store detective?     Judy was very surprised,“ But I'm only five feet two inches tall. And I only weigh 105 pounds.” The manager laughed. “You're just right for the job. You don't look like a detective. You look like a customer. That's what we want.” He went on to explain, If you see a customer steal something, wait until he is outside 已知两个不等式的解集在数轴上表示如图,则由这两个不等式组成的不等式组为  ____________________。(写出一个即可)
英语 试题推荐