
If your child does well on a test,of course,you’re going to praise or her-but if you focus too often on achievements, children may not get the right message.Why?An experiment by psychologist Carol Dweck at Columbia University in New York shows what happens when kids are praised for their efforts,and what happens when they’re praised for their intelligence.Dweck got a group of ten―year一olds to do a series of puzzles easy enough so that all could do them well.Then they were told either,“You must be smart at this,”or,“You must have worked really hard.”In the 一实验小车从静止开始做直线运动,测得在第1秒末、第2秒末、第3秒末……的速度分别为1米/秒、2米/秒、3米/秒……以此类推可知运动性质一定是:A.匀加速直线运动B.匀变速直线运动C.匀速直线运动D.变速直线运动
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