
66. They went a_______ the ship when the captain gave an order.67. The fans stood up clapping, shouting and c_______ when Jay Chow finally stepped onto the stage.68. Each person's fingerprints are u_________.69. A small hole was d­­­­________ in the sand to bury their eggs yesterday.70. Health officials have tried to raise people’s a__________ of protecting themselves against AIDS.71 .Natural resources are limited, and t_______ they must never be wasted.72. Most people r______ at 60, which means they don’t have to work any more.73. The streets look much n_________ with two lines of pri一个匀速转动的圆盘上有a、b、c三点,已知,则下面说法中不正确的是 [     ]A、a,b两点线速度大小相等           B、a、b、c三点的角速度相同C、a点的线速度大小是c点线速度大小的一半   D、a、b、c三点的运动周期相同
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