
 (08·湖南B篇) Most young architects—particularly those in big cities—can only dream about working in a building of their own.And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want,which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner,Brian Bell.Their building is a former automobile electrical-parts firm in Atlanta.From the outside,it looks too old,even something horrible,but open the door and you are in a wide,open courtyard,lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的) walls. In 2000,Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线l1:y=﹣x与反比例函数y=的图象交于A,B两点(点A在点B左侧),已知A点的纵坐标是2:(1)求反比例函数的表达式;(2)将直线l1:y=﹣x向上平移后的直线l2与反比例函数y=在第二象限内交于点C,如果△ABC的面积为30,求平移后的直线l2的函数表达式.
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