
For the love of reading  The importance of nurturing (培养) young children as readers has become more and more apparent. Here are four ways to help your child become a reader. Read aloud. A six-year study found reading aloud to children every day puts them almost a year ahead of children who do not receive daily read-alouds.16   Using texts above the children’s levels gives them the chance to hear high-level vocabulary and absorb complex language structures. Reading aloud below their levels also allows them to relax and enjoy beloved texts. Encourage close reading from the yo 阅读下面一首宋词,然后回答问题。 鹧鸪天①[宋]李清照暗淡轻黄体性柔,情疏迹远只香留。何须浅碧深红色,自是花中第一流。梅定妒,菊应羞。画栏开处冠中秋。骚人②可煞无情思,何事当年不见收。         [注]①鹧鸪天:北宋末年,李清照的公公赵挺之由于受到党争的牵累而死。随后,李清照随丈夫赵明诚屏居乡里约十年之久。②骚人:指屈原。(1)这是一首咏桂词。咏物词一般以咏物抒情为主,而本词却一反传统。试简要分析这首词的写法。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2)结合全词分析,本词抒发了作者什么样的情怀。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐