
2012年是邓.小平南巡谈话20周年。20年来,这一谈话精神不断被现代化实践证明其正确性,也不断结出硕果,促进了经济和社会的发展。这表明(    ) ①实践是认识的目的和归宿              ②实践是检验认识真理性的唯一标准 ③实践是认识的唯一来源                ④认识是实践发展的动力 A. ①②            B. ③④           C. ①③            D. ②④根据首字母,或中文提示填入正确形式的单词。1.The house __________ (属于) to my uncle.2.Can you find our _________(位置) on the map?3.He’s very ___________(有经验的) in looking after animals.4.Liu Yang is the first ____________ (女性的) space astronaut in China.5.______________ ( 祝贺), you have won the first place in the debating competition.6.He was c_________ in a heavy rain on the way to work.7.They have reached an a_____________ to solve the problem.8.How many factories had been d_____________ when the hurricane ended?9.Just then a bright idea o___________ to me.10.Boys and girls are _______________ and thus they should be treated fairly.
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