
My senior year, I can't believe it's almost over. Now when I look back, it was stressful, but exciting, the ball, graduation, and then of course, college.      I started my college application process months before Christmas. My parents told me it would be smart if I set up interviews and tours. But 1 didn't have clear aim. I wanted to go to college, but I didn't want to deal with the stress.      As the days flew by, my applications lay on my desk just as I had left them three months before. You are wasting valuable time, my parents complained. Sweeping away the gathered dust on the下列句中“而”字的用法,都不相同的一项是( )①以三矢赐庄宗而告之曰 ②庄宗受而藏之于庙③而皆背晋以归梁 ④夫祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺⑤子路率尔而对曰 ⑥舍瑟而作⑦如五六十而非邦也与 ⑧万簌有声,而庭阶寂寂⑨客逾庖而宴 ⑩某所,而母立于兹A.①④⑤⑥ B.②⑦⑧⑩C.③④⑤⑩ D.④⑦⑧⑨
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