
Two years ago,Wendy Hasnip,47,experienced a brain injury that left her speechless for two weeks. When she finally recovered. she found herself talking with what seemed to be a French accent.”I phoned a friend the other day. and she spent the first ten minutes laughing.”Hasnip said at the time.”While I have nothing against the French. ”     Hasnip suffered from foreign accent syndrome(外国口音综合症),am condition in which people find themselves speaking their own language like someone from a foreign country. The condition usually occurs in people who have experienc襄阳的夏夜,伴着蝉儿鸣唱,吹着悠悠的汉江风,人们喜欢吃着小龙虾,喝着啤酒消夏,蝉和小龙虾均属于节肢动物的理由是( )A.体表有外骨骼,身体和附肢都分节 B.都有三对足,两对翅C.身体都分为头、胸、腹三部分 D.都有相同的生活环境
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