
依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是                                ①鲁迅先生在小说集《彷徨》的扉页上,曾引用“      ”这两句诗,表现自己决心在黑暗中探索救国救民的真理的信念。    ②国家煤矿安全监察局近日下发紧急通知,要求切实加强瓦斯治理,     煤矿重特大事故的发生。③易中天曾在博客上写道:“今天中午看了《百家讲坛》的《于丹论语心得》,不禁拍案叫绝!” 之情溢于言表。    A.路2.die   Germany   we   able   heavy51.While playing the game,Tom and I hidourselves in the bush.52.His poor eyesight made himunableto see the words on the blackboard clearly.53.The young super star's suddendeathis a great loss to the film industry.54.The villagers are fighting against theheaviestflood that they have ever had in the past fifty years.55.-Whose bags are these?-Maybe they are thoseGermans'.
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