
I have always loved kids. However, the children here at Shanti Bhavan are unlike any that I have ever met. They have a strong drive and determination and are thankful for the wonderful opportunity they have been given. While at Shanti Bhavan, I taught 3rd graders writing, language, and literature, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders public speaking, 9th and 10th graders basketball, and piano lessons. I found teaching the children was the most rewarding experience of my life. They are really fast learners and really have an interest in knowledge. It was easy to get on with such polite, well-man读我国某区域图,回答下列各题 有关P、Q两处叙述正确的是  A.由于P地位于山地,所以P地1月等温线向北凸出 B.1月气温:P>Q;降雪量:Q<P C.Q地降雪日数有可能为12天 D.Q地降雪的水汽来源为太平洋 有关鄂尔多斯内流区成因的叙述正确的是 A.该区域为季风气候区 B.属于温带大陆性气候,蒸发旺盛 C.地形较封闭,降水少,蒸发旺盛 D.该地荒漠化严重
英语 试题推荐