
探究燃烧条件的实验装置如图所示 (1)由该实验得出,可燃物燃烧的条件是: ①                     ; ②                     ; (2)实验中使用了铜片,主要是利用铜的           性。 答案:(1)①与氧气或空气接触②温度达到着火点(3)导电性    评分说明:(1)①将氧气的名称写成化学式也可②温度达到可燃物燃烧的最低温度也可 情景对话 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。   Rose:What do you think makes a person read a newspaper article?   Lucy:  1     Rose:Why do you say that?   Lucy:The headline is bigger than the rest of the text, so it draws people's attention.   Rose:  2   However, I often wonder if the headline presents enough information to the readers.   Lucy:The headline usually tells you the most important information from the article.Isn't that enough?   Rose:  3     Lucy:I suppose so, exactly.   Rose:  4     Lucy:I just write for a local newspaper.It's quite a small office but I love my job.   Rose:Would you like to write for a national newspaper?   Lucy:I hope so.  5     Rose:Oh, I already write for a national magazine.I love my job.   Lucy:Me, too. A.If the headline was longer, then nobody would read the article. B.What do you usually write for a newspaper? C.So which newspaper do you write for? D.I don't agree with you. E.How about you? F.I think the headline is quite important. G.I agree with you.
化学 试题推荐