
51. We are in complete ___________ (ignore)of your plans. 52. There is ____________  (dusk) light inside the cave.   53. There are _____________  (add) charges. 54. What did he _________ (actual) say? 55. ____________(base), my knowledge of physics is pretty limited. 56. Over the past 12 years, American and Chinese leaders have met __________(frequent) to discuss a whole host of issues. 57. He's involved in the _______  (organize) of a new club. 58. Those are _______ (wool)blankets 59. His father is a leader with courage and _________ (determine). 60. The President was leaving 判断,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。1.《草原》一课主要写了草原的美丽景色。 ( )2.《草原》一课主要写了蒙族人民怎样热情地接待远方的来客。 ( )3.课文结尾句“蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳”既写出了蒙汉两族人民话别的场面,又点明了文章要表达的思想感情。 ( )4.“草原上行车十分洒脱,只要方向不错,怎么走都可以”是说草原上没有现成的路,要把握好方向。 ( )5.“见到我们,主人们立刻拨转马头,欢呼着,飞驰着,在汽车左右与前面引路”表现了蒙古人民的热情好客。 ( )
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