
某化学兴趣小组进行研究性学习,探究热水壶中的水垢。 【查阅资料】①天然水中一般都含有Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-等离子,在加热时,这些离子反应生成溶解度更小的物质—水垢[Mg(OH)2和CaCO3]。 ②碱石灰是氧化钙和氢氧化钠的固体混合物。 【实验设计】 1、按图组装仪器,将10.8g水垢样品放入装置B中,在装置D中加入一定量的稀盐酸溶液; 2、将稀盐酸溶液缓缓滴入装置B中,与水垢充分反应; 3、待实验不再产生气泡时,打开AB间活塞,从左端缓缓鼓入根据短文完成下列句子,每空一词。I have a nice picture. It is a picture of my family. This is my grandfather, Barry Clark. And this is my grandmother, Linda Clark. These are my parents. Frank and Jane. This is my aunt, Alice. She's my father's sister. And this is my uncle, Paul. He's a runner. These are my cousins Joe, Mike and Sally. They're Alice and Paul's children(孩子).This is my sister, Lisa. Do you know that girl? It's me, Mary.(1)Mary's last name is .(2)Frank is Alice's .(3)Mary's uncle is a .(4)Alice and Paul have children.(5)Lisa is Mary's .
化学 试题推荐