
One day an American friend invited me to a party. It wasn’t a real party, it was some kind of informal get-together. Since it was summer time, he had a cookout where most of his American friends and relatives were known to me, but there were others I had never met before.        It was the most embarrassing (令人尴尬) party for me when I noticed that everybody was wearing jeans and simple T-shirts for the day, while I arrived in proper dress with my shoes and my hair all fixed for a fancy party.It was hard to explain my embarrassment to other guests.When one of them t需借助其它物质才能鉴别的一组物质是(  )A.浓盐酸和浓硫酸B.氧化铜和氧化镁固体C.氧气和氨气D.烧碱溶液和澄清石灰水
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