
Sweden’s blood service is enlisting new technology to help push back against blood shortages. One new plan, where donors are sent automatic text messages telling them when their blood has actually been used, has caught the public eye. People who donateinitiallyreceive a ‘thank you’ text when they give blood, but they get another message when their blood makes it into somebody else’s veins. The service says the messages give donors more positive feedback about how they’ve helped their fellow citizens---which encourages them to donate again. “It’s a great feeling to know yo14、2009年1月22日,震惊全国的三鹿问题奶粉事件尘埃落定。石家庄市中级人民法院等4个法院一审宣判:三鹿集团原董事长田文华获无期徒刑;长期故意往原奶中添加三聚氰胺的张玉军、耿金平获死刑,其他18名被告也各获刑罚。 阅读材料,运用所学知识,回答下列问题: (1)这一事件中的生产者违背了什么道德原则? (2)这一事件中,消费者的哪些权利受到了侵犯? (3)请你就如何避免类似事件的发生提出自己的建议?(至少两条)
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