
School violence is in the headlines again after recent shootings at schools in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. After hearing the news, it’s natural for students — no matter how old they are or where they go to school — to worry about whether this type of incident may someday happen to them.     So how safe are schools? It’s actually safer to be in a school than in a car. Twice as many 15-to-19-year-olds die in car accidents than in shootings (and that’s all shootings, not just the ones that happen in schools). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, les已知△ABC中,BC=6,AC>AB,点D为AC边上一点,且DC=AB=4,E为BC边的中点,连接DE,设AD=x.(1)当DE⊥BC时(如图1),连接BD,则BD的长为______;(2)设,求y关于x的函数关系式,并写出x的取值范围;(3)取AD的中点M,连接EM并延长交BA的延长线于点P,以A为圆心AM为半径作⊙A,试问:当AD的长改变时,点P与⊙A的位置关系变化吗?若不变化,请说明具体的位置关系,并证明你的结论;若变化,请说明理由.
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