
I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the downtown. I used to give a lot of money to the   1  feeling sorry for them. However, after becoming a single mom with no home, a huge   2  and hardly any income, I   3   giving.        Through working hard, things started to change for the better. I   4   a home for me and my daughter, and plenty of food, and I started to   5   myself out of debt. One day I saw a homeless person with a   6   will work for food. I passed by. My daughter said, Mommy, you used to give to those people in need. 用正偶数按下表排列 第1列 第2列 第3列 第4列 第5列 第一行 2 4 6 8 第二行 16 14 12 10 第三行 18 20 22 24 … … 28 26 则2006在第33行第4列.(  )A、第251行第3列B、第250行第4列C、第250行第3列D、第251行第4列
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