
One warm May day, two eighteen – year – old students from San Francisco State College decided to cool off with a swim at Bakers’ Beach. The two students were named Robert Kogler and Shirley O’Neill. They headed out to sea for a distance of 50 meters. Robert was in front. “Suddenly, I heard him scream,” Shirley recalls. “I looked round and saw this great grey thing going up in the air. The water seemed to be alive.” Robert screamed again. “It’s a shark! Get out of here!” An eye – witness, Army Sergeant Leo P. Day was on guard at the nearby army post. He saw exactly what 下列说法正确的是( ) A.火灾后的森林依次出现杂草、灌木林、乔木林,先发生初生演替,后次生演替 B.阳光、空气、水、土壤和所有生物构成生态系统的营养结构 C.海洋生态系统无机环境条件相对陆地生态系统比较稳定,所以生物进化速度较慢 D.自然选择过程中,直接受选择的是基因型,进而导致基因频率的改变
英语 试题推荐