
Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries.Children in the USA will  51 their parents’ home when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they often goo to different places to find good jobs. They often  52 to their parents or phone them, and they can choose their own  53.  Americans think it’s important for young people to make their own decisions.Children are asked to do some house work at  54. In many families, children are paid for  55 the housework so that they can learn how to manage their own money.【小题1】A. leave  民国初年,鞠躬、握手取代跪拜、作揖等礼节,“先生”“君”代替“大人”“老爷”等称呼。这此现象出现的原因有                                            (  ) ①五四运动的洗礼                              ②自由、平等思想的传播   ③民国政府法令的实施                       ④西方生活习俗的影响 A.①②③④          B.①②③               C.①②④                D.②③④
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