
Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑犯), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled, flipped her hair, and said, Ha! It’s easy to find the one-eared person! Her answer also made tIn other cultures, looking thin for a husband-to-be is not        a woman desires at all, but looking a little overweight is considered more attractive.A.whichB.whetherC.thatD.what
英语 试题推荐