
频率不同的两束单色光1和2 以相同的入射角从同一点射入一厚玻璃板后,其光路如右图所示,下列说法正确的是 A.单色光1的波长小于单色光2的波长 B.在玻璃中单色光1的传播速度大于单色光2 的传播速度 C.单色光1从玻璃到空气的全反射临界角大于单色光2从玻璃到空气的全反射临界角 D.以上结论都不正确听下面一段对话,回答第1-2题.  1. What is the conversation about?A. Computer sales.B. A job interview.C. An Internet meeting.2. What do we know about the man in the conversation?A. He knows nothing about computers.B. He is very clever at answering questions.C. The woman will offer him the job.
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