
John wanted a bike. He had asked his parents for the   36   and they said he must earn it. But  37   ? He thought about this as he walked home.    38   many people wanted to ask boys to work for them. Maybe he could   39   away snow for the neighbors. But this was   40  . He’d have to wait a long time for that. He couldn’t cut grass for this garden because he had no    41   to do the work    42   . Then he   43   one of his classmates, Dick, delivering newspapers. “ I could    44    that,” he thought. “ Maybe I could even get the bike    45 课内阅读:三亚落日三亚在海南岛的最南端,被蓝透了的海水围着,洋溢着浓浓的的白鸥掠过蓝蓝的海面,真让人担心洁白的翅尖会被海水蘸蓝了。挺拔俊秀的椰子树,不时在海风中摇曳着碧玉般的树冠。海滩上玉屑银末般的细沙,金灿灿、亮闪闪的,软软地暖暖地搔着人们的脚板,谁都想捏一捏,团一团,将它揉成韧韧的面。【1】这段话写到了__________、_________、_________、_________、________等许多景物,它们汇成了一幅迷人的热带风情图。________、_______、________、_______、等词语写出了景物的色彩美和形态美。【2】用“-------”画出文中一个比喻句。这个句子把_________比作了_______【3】“_________”、“__________”等心理描写,表达了作者_____________之情。
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