
The history of the United States is a history of people on the move. The Native Americans came to North America thousands of years ago. Some of them built villages and stayed there, but many moved from place to place. The first travelers from Europe came to live in an unknown land. At first, they stayed near the coast, but then a few brave men went west, far into the country. Two of them were Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. In 1804, they started on their long journey from St. Lois, Missouri, to the Pacific Ocean. They followed the Missouri River west, went across the Rocky Mountains, and f4.汽车发动机的功率为60kW,若其总质量为5t,在水平路面上行驶时,所受阻力恒为5.00×103N,若汽车以1m/s2的加速度由静止开始做匀加速运动,则下列说法正确的是(  )A.汽车所能达到的最大速度为12m/sB.汽车所能达到的最大速度为8m/sC.匀加速运动能维持的时间为12sD.匀加速运动能维持的时间为6s
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