
美国著名记者史沫特莱就西安事变结束时的局势发表评论说:“西安事变可能已经以一种地方性的失败告终了,却仍然是一次全国性的胜利。一个统一的中国,虽然缓慢而且伴有剧痛,终于在渐渐诞生。”她所说的“统一”指的是    A.国民政府实现了形式上的全国统一   B.蒋介石获释并重新执掌军政大权    C.国共两党停止对峙走向合作     D.抗日民族统一战线正式建立选择与句子相符的图片。1."All right," said Mr Wind, "See how hard I blow." ________2."I'm cold," said the man, "I'll put on my scarf." ________3."OK," said Mr Sun. Then he began to shine. ________4.And he took off his clothes. ________5."I told you," said Mr Sun. And he began to laugh. ________6."Oh, yes," said Mr Sun. "I can make the plants grow." ________A. B. C. D. E. F.
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