
The Great Gatsby The typical novel of the Jazz Age ,F. Scott Fitzgeralds’ third book The Great Gatsby(1925), stands as the best achievement of his career. T.S.Eliot saw it as the “first step” American fiction had taken since Henry James. H.L.Mencken praised” the charm and beauty of the writing”, and Thomas Wolfe hailed it as Fitzgeralds’“best work” thus far. Death on the Nile In Death on the Nile, Poirot, on vacation in Africa, meets the rich, beautiful Linnet Doyle and her new husband, Simon. As usual, all is not as it seems between the new couple, and when Linnet is f(9分)某同学通过查找资料自己动手制作了一个电池.该同学想测量一下这个电池的电动势E 和内电阻r,但是从实验室只借到一个开关、一个电阻箱(最大阻值为9.999Ω,可当标准电阻用)、一只电流表(量程Ig=0.6A,内阻忽略不计)和若干导线。(1)请根据测定电动势E、内电阻r的要求,用实线把图甲中的器件连接成实验电路;(2)接通开关,逐次改变电阻箱的阻值R,请先读出R=2.6Ω时电流表的示数(如图乙所示)I=    A,然后在图丙所示的坐标系中描出该点,最后把图丙中已经给出的点和你所描出的点中符合实际的点用平滑的曲线连接成R—1/I图像;(3)该实验中,R与1/I之间的线性函数关系式为     ,根据图丙中描绘出的图线可得出这个电池的电动势E=    V,内电阻r=    Ω.
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