
    Everyone had their friends, but I knew one girl who didn’t. I guess you could call her a geek, because all she did was read, study, and do homework. I don’t think she even played a sport. She was one of those quiet people who no one really paid attention to, and those who was often laughed at. I had heard all kinds of rumors (谣言) that she had problems, but I didn’t  really believe them.     My friends and I were nice to her. We let her sit at our lunch table and we often said “Hi” to her, but she wasn’t our best friend. Throughout the year, she started talking to us 在直角梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠ABC=90°,AB=BC,E为AB边上一点,∠BCE=15°,且AE=AD.连接DE交对角线AC于H,连接BH.下列结论: ①△ACD≌△ACE; ②△CDE为等边三角形; ③=2; ④. 其中结论正确的是 [  ] A.只有①② B.只有①②④ C.只有③④ D.①②③④
英语 试题推荐