
Experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself.    Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job. Many young people end up in a job that they are not suited to. Chance may play a more important part than decision. So here are a few steps to help you think about jobs, which you might enjoy doing after school or university.    First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else.    To examine your skills and abilities even我国自行研发的纯电动中巴车的质量约为2000kg,静止时轮胎与路面接触的总面积约0.2m2,以30m/s的速度沿水平路面匀速行驶时的输出功率约72kW。(g取10N/kg) (1)中巴车所受的重力是多少? (2)静止时中巴车对路面的压强有多大? (3)以30m/s匀速行驶时,所受阻力是多少? (4)中巴车改用汽油作动力,以72kW的输出功率行驶1h,至少要燃烧多少L的汽油?(汽油的热值为3.2×107J/L)
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