
The kite was originally called Zhiyuan in North China, and Yaozi in South China. Early in the Five dynasties, a man named Li Ye used to make and fly a kite in the emperor's court. He once attached a whistle made of bamboo to the kite. Sound was let out when the kite was flying. The kite was named after Zheng, a kind of Chinese music instrument. Then it was named Fengzheng in Chinese. The earliest kite in the world was made by Motse, a famous Chinese philosopher, who lived 2,300 years ago, for military (军事的) purposes. He spent three years making an eagle and managed to fly it. The仿照下面句子的句式和修辞方式,另写两个句子,表达一定的思想,且句意畅通,构成排比句。 我爱书,它是甘露,滋润我的心田;                 
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